have you ever realized how many people are always constantly, sometimes almost obsessively fretting over their apperance? their flaws, their best features, what they wish they could change, what they wish they had, etc. now i'm not saying i never do this.
i was just reading one of alyse's blogs. the quote on hers said: "You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your f***ing khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." ~Tyler Durden.
i was thinking about this the other day in the shower. how so many people want to be defined by their clothes. their cars. their jewelery. when really, none of that should matter. what should matter is what you do. how you act. what you say. cause fifteen years from now, its not going to matter what shirt you wore, what car you rode to school in every day, what shoes you wore. all thats going to matter is what you learned, what memories you have, and the friends you made.
and if you're only dressing a certain way, talking a certain way, just so people will like you, then they won't really, truly, ever like
you, just how you acted. so just be yourself. don't let other people dictate your life. don't let what you wear define who you are. all of these, i am aware are easier said than done. trying not to care what others say or think of you isn't always easy. especially if you hardly know the person, and they're just going off of assumptions. it takes courage, or something of the like.
i think something we all, as humans fear, is not being accepted. its hard when others judge you, and think they have you all figured out before they even take the time to know you. the whole "don't judge a book by its cover" bit comes to mind...
well, i'm pretty pooped. after going to back to school night, i'm officially excited for school. this year is going to be fun... i hope. all we can do is hope. at the very least i'm excited to wear my cobra starship t-shirt to the first day of school =p their song good girls go bad is ever so constantly stuck in my head, btdub. oh wells. i'm getting up early to hang out w/ cosey and kevin, me thinks. and at some point alyse, and grant. so i shall see you all later, good night sleep tight. don't let the bed bugs bite.