So, this was an assignment i had to do for english, a while ago, and thought i would write it up as a blog as well. So, here goes:
I think that color, weather, and music, are some of the most important things in life. I honestly believe that without all of these amazing attributes in our lives, that the world would be a vastly different place. Now, i will tell you my reasons for why i think this.
First off, i think that without color, weather and music then life would be extremely boring and bland. It would be tiresome and monotonous without them. Think of how it would be to only ever see black and white and shades of grey. And if it was always 75 degress outside, (never cold enough to wear hoodies :'( ) never raining, never snowing, or hailing, or windy, or cold. I mean, i always say how sick i am of the snow, and that i wish it would go away. That i wish it was warm again. But i think if it was always perfect outside, then we would get sick of it. I think at that point we would long for it to snow. We would welcome it. Because if the weather always stayed the same, there were no seasons, then we wouldn't welcome or look forward to the summer as much. It always being warm in utah would be the norm. But seasons make things interesting. We always associate winter months with snow, school ending and starting with warmer weather, easter with spring, thanksgiving with and halloween with fall. Without winter, despite the fact how much i hate it, summer and spring and fall wouldn't seem as wonderful, and we wouldn't look forward to them anymore. Well, without any weather at all, that would be awful. We wouldn't be as happy anymore for summer to come.
Another reason is because i think color, weather, and music are wonderful, inspiring things. Just think about it for a second: to never see colors, to never see the rain fall, and to never hear the sound of music. It would be quite sad. But then again, if you hadn't ever seen them then you wouldn't know what you were missing. I think that that would be the truly tragic thing. Also, i think it would change your views on how you see life. You wouldn't really be grateful for very many things. Every day would begin to blend together; and i think eventually, that time altogether would, because there would be nothing to set each day apart from the next. There would be no differences in the days. It would all merge together in your memory as one big mush of grey. It would be terrible. Think how hard it would be if you were trying to remember something that had happened? You couldn't say it had been a certain time when it was raining, or that a certain song had been playing, i would really miss that.
Also, i think that if there were no music, then we would be losing one major form of expressing yourself and your feelings and thoughts. One of the best ways, i think. Also, if there was no weather, or colors, then poetry and lyrics wouldn't be as amazing, because they wouldn't be able to be inspired by the beauty of nature. Without weather, or colors, or music, what else would there be for us to be inspired by? What would we sing about, or talk about in poetry? There's always love, i know, but it wouldn't be the same without all the rest of the amazing attributes of life missing. We would have a serious problem on our hands. We would have a lack of inspiration. Then what would we do? We would be lost without these things. I think that someone who grew up in a world such as this would have completely different perceptions and views of life. Vastly different. I would feel terrible for a person such as this, because they would not know all that they were missing.
Now i'll just end with a couple of quotes about color and weather. I love you all so very much! Nighty night. Oh yeah, and happy easter :P
"life is not about waiting out the storm, its about learning to go dance in the rain"
"cause at night the sun in retreat made the skyline look like crooked teeth" -death cab for cutie
"the smile broke across his face the way the sunrise sets the clouds on fire" -new moon
"i wish we could open our eyes to see in all directions at the same time" -death cab for cutie
"with eyes wide open the sky is always a thousand shades of blue" -ashley parker angel
"in the end its not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away"
"a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere" -death cab for cutie
"and its all in how you mix the two, and it starts just where the light exists, it's a feeling that you cannot miss" -(blue and yellow) The used
"bleed these colors open wide, burning blues from butterflies, flying faster through the night, until the orange of morning light" -hawthorne heights
I think that color, weather, and music, are some of the most important things in life. I honestly believe that without all of these amazing attributes in our lives, that the world would be a vastly different place. Now, i will tell you my reasons for why i think this.
First off, i think that without color, weather and music then life would be extremely boring and bland. It would be tiresome and monotonous without them. Think of how it would be to only ever see black and white and shades of grey. And if it was always 75 degress outside, (never cold enough to wear hoodies :'( ) never raining, never snowing, or hailing, or windy, or cold. I mean, i always say how sick i am of the snow, and that i wish it would go away. That i wish it was warm again. But i think if it was always perfect outside, then we would get sick of it. I think at that point we would long for it to snow. We would welcome it. Because if the weather always stayed the same, there were no seasons, then we wouldn't welcome or look forward to the summer as much. It always being warm in utah would be the norm. But seasons make things interesting. We always associate winter months with snow, school ending and starting with warmer weather, easter with spring, thanksgiving with and halloween with fall. Without winter, despite the fact how much i hate it, summer and spring and fall wouldn't seem as wonderful, and we wouldn't look forward to them anymore. Well, without any weather at all, that would be awful. We wouldn't be as happy anymore for summer to come.
Another reason is because i think color, weather, and music are wonderful, inspiring things. Just think about it for a second: to never see colors, to never see the rain fall, and to never hear the sound of music. It would be quite sad. But then again, if you hadn't ever seen them then you wouldn't know what you were missing. I think that that would be the truly tragic thing. Also, i think it would change your views on how you see life. You wouldn't really be grateful for very many things. Every day would begin to blend together; and i think eventually, that time altogether would, because there would be nothing to set each day apart from the next. There would be no differences in the days. It would all merge together in your memory as one big mush of grey. It would be terrible. Think how hard it would be if you were trying to remember something that had happened? You couldn't say it had been a certain time when it was raining, or that a certain song had been playing, i would really miss that.
Also, i think that if there were no music, then we would be losing one major form of expressing yourself and your feelings and thoughts. One of the best ways, i think. Also, if there was no weather, or colors, then poetry and lyrics wouldn't be as amazing, because they wouldn't be able to be inspired by the beauty of nature. Without weather, or colors, or music, what else would there be for us to be inspired by? What would we sing about, or talk about in poetry? There's always love, i know, but it wouldn't be the same without all the rest of the amazing attributes of life missing. We would have a serious problem on our hands. We would have a lack of inspiration. Then what would we do? We would be lost without these things. I think that someone who grew up in a world such as this would have completely different perceptions and views of life. Vastly different. I would feel terrible for a person such as this, because they would not know all that they were missing.
Now i'll just end with a couple of quotes about color and weather. I love you all so very much! Nighty night. Oh yeah, and happy easter :P
"life is not about waiting out the storm, its about learning to go dance in the rain"
"cause at night the sun in retreat made the skyline look like crooked teeth" -death cab for cutie
"the smile broke across his face the way the sunrise sets the clouds on fire" -new moon
"i wish we could open our eyes to see in all directions at the same time" -death cab for cutie
"with eyes wide open the sky is always a thousand shades of blue" -ashley parker angel
"in the end its not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away"
"a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere" -death cab for cutie
"and its all in how you mix the two, and it starts just where the light exists, it's a feeling that you cannot miss" -(blue and yellow) The used
"bleed these colors open wide, burning blues from butterflies, flying faster through the night, until the orange of morning light" -hawthorne heights
Oh it's the english paper thingy! That's so awesome!