Thursday, July 16, 2009

a change of meanings

For the past year i've loved being in alpine, because it meant being with my friends. now that i live here, and pass by the round a bout, legacy park, the peppermint place, burgess park, and everything else daily its starting to mean more than that. it means home. the change of meanings isn't exactly drastic, its just... different? to live walking distance (well, pretty much) from cosette and hayleigh is pretty rad. i get to see them a lot more, which is quite happy making. now we just have to get alyse over here all the time, or go there. i misses her. oh, and carlos of course. and when grant gets back, him too.

i cannot believe more than half the summer is gone. i don't know exactly how much of it is left since i refuse to count the days/weeks. that'll just make it go by too fast, and seem like not enough. time has a spastic way of passing i've decided. i don't want school to start, not really. i don't like always having to worry about my grades, assignments, whats due, when its due, is it done yet, what isn't due, how much of it is done, what day is it, what am i missing, why do i have a d in that class, etc. its stressful to even think about. i'm kind of excited to start ninth grade. i think. freshman year. high school, everywhere else but here. oh wells.

so far, this summer has been pretty alright. i plan to, hopefully do everything on my summer list. so far not even half is done... good thing there's still a month or so left.

well, good night i loveth you all. sweet dreams.

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