Friday, July 31, 2009

the clouds in your head rain the little rain cloudy thoughts

i have a problem... i cannot choose which guitar to get. my other one, the ibanez; has a white face, with a black pick guard, and mahogany wood on the back. the ibanez had a problem with one of the frets so we took it back in to get it fixed. but while i was there, i saw a gorgeous blond telecaster electric guitar for $300. which is not bad at all. my grandpa said he would get it for me, if i wanted it. i can only get one though, so i need you guys to help me decide.

anyways, yesterday i went to the mall with katie and kristen. it was... a bit of an adventure. lol. we had to put more oil in her car, and check the water. it was pretty hilarious, we pulled into maverick, bought the oil, came back out and opened the hood of her car, and i swear like four or five guys stopped and asked us if we needed help. we just had the first guy help us with checking the water. he unscrewed this pipe looking thing with a napkin, as it shot green looking goo all over that slightly resembled (we thought) the toxic waste that got on the teenage mutant ninja turtles =p we had to be back soon cuz katie had to go to work, so we couldn't spend long at the mall. but still, it was fun. i learned more about cars, the lines on the road, exits, whats legal, whats illegal.

this week has overall been pretty fun. monday, hung out with alyse, cosette, and hayleigh. we went swimming and painted nails. oh, and we went grocery shopping. then me and alyse had a sleepover. we stayed up till about four, at which point she started rambling on about the little rain cloudy thoughts. i luff her. i think the only reason i wasn't rambling was cuz i'm still used to staying up way late. i didn't really do anything tuesday. and wednesday i just did a bunch of laundry. like, insane amounts. but i get paid, so its all good. and i also rearranged my closet in rainbow order. ha, you can tell i got pretty bored. oh! i get my warped tour ticket tomorrow! woot. and tomorrow is also the highland fling, which i will probably end up going to.

so, if the dates are all screwed up on this, its cuz i started it a while ago and am just now finishing it. well, its three in the morning. i love you all, good night.


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