Sunday, July 19, 2009

the four letter word: l-i-f-e

Life… the state of living. Of being alive. Your life. Everyone is given a life, no matter how good, or how bad it may be you still have one. What matters is what you do with that life. Only you can determine how you will live your life. Will you live in sadness, and grief of what has happened to you? Will you live in anger, and rage of who you wish you could get back at for what they’ve done to you, hating them? Blaming them? Or will you choose to live your life being happy for what you have, seeing the beauty of everything around you. Learning to forgive and forget, “it’s just a chapter in the past; but don’t close the book, just turn the page.” Realize that no one can be perfect.

I heard a quote the other day: “life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you deal with it.” I honestly believe this is true. It really doesn’t matter what others do to you, or how life treats you. Not nearly as much as how you choose to deal with it. Whether you will:

a.) try to get revenge, or back at someone

b.) feel sorry for yourself, and think how terrible the world is

c.) learn how to overcome it, get through it and become stronger

is up to you. You decide. I’m writing this because as I read over the sentence, I realized how incredibly true it was. No one else makes our decisions for us. Only we can. Yes, we can be influenced by others, inspired by others, even led by others. But it is ultimately our decision when it comes down to it. I wish I could always choose option c. but, of course I don’t. I’ve been trying more lately, I guess just to be a better person in general…

you can try to help everyone out around you, inspire them, build them up. Make a difference in the world, no matter how small. As ghandi says “be the change you wish to see in the world.”

well, i think i'm going to hit the hay. my schedule is all messed up and i've been taking naps at random hours of the day. lol.
peace out everyone.

"the goal isn't to live forever, its to create something that will." -bob marley

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